Saturday, August 10, 2013

Letter #3 - What Are You Good At?

Hallo Familie und fruenden!

I'd just like to say thanks for your letters this week and just how great things are going on at home. I love that you are going to the temple every week and you can just see the blessings that have come already. Don't get complacent though, hard times will come. But it's just Heavenly Father's way of making a trial for you so you can grow closer to him.

Thank you for the clicker. [I'll explain this a little for Adam: my mom found this article about LDS singer/songwriter Hillary Weeks and how she helped herself focus on positive thoughts by counting them with a clicker. She would click for every positive thought she had, so she could see how good her days really were. My mom gave one to Adam to use too.] It honestly has helped so much. I'm at 105 right now, and its not even 12 yet :) It honestly changes the way you think and makes you forget the negative comments in your head. Dad was complaining that he didnt get one, so you should get him one. :)

Thanks Alyssa and Brady for your letters as well. Alyssa, you sound just like yourself on your letters. It's wunderbar. Ha so it's great. Im so glad Brady got into the program. You won't have to move now yayyyyyyy!!! :) Ha but I feel loved that you set my picture at the dinner table for dinner. Makes me feel loved. I would die to have any of your homemade food haha.

I'm sorry I cant talk about everything in everyone's letters, I wish I could. :( I don't have a lot of time everyday and it's hard to type fast cuz I got funky pinkies, but I really do appreaciate it when everyone talks in detail and tells me specifics and they're long. Dearelders are espcially nice because I get them the same day. So I'm not saying anything but... :):) but if I don't give you a personal reply, I just don't have time so I'm sorry, but I still love you :) Time has dragged on here. I have to find new ways to study, learn, keep myself awake, and how to have fun while doing it :) I've managed to be acutally quite productive and also have fun at the same time.

My favorite things here at the MTC are the devotionals. I will never take another talk for granted. So for all you that are watching General Conference next October, watch it with a pen and a notepad. Those are inspired leaders, called of God, and their message is directly for you. So how can you not be wanting to listen? :) I loved, loved, loved, loved Jenny Oaks baker during devotional, Mom. I was crying when she was playing "I Stand All Amazed" because 1. it was so beatiful and 2. it's my favorite hymn. :) But all the other hymns she played were just so beautiful and she talked about our spiritual gifts and how we need to recognize what we have and grow them. So I recommend all of you, to just take 10 minutes out of your day and think of anything you are good at, whether it is dancing, singing, talking to people, cleaning the house, whatever, and just think how lucky you are to have that abililty and how you can share it with others :)

The language has taken leaps and bounds. I still am working on speaking it, but I can see the progress I have made in just 2 weeks, and its quite remarkable. When I was doing role spiel, or role play, I was doing so good and it was the strongest spirit I have felt. I talked and testified of the Book of Mormon and its importance and the Holy Ghost. It was fantastic. and then the other reason I'm progressing... My teacher did another role spiel, and picked me to be the untersucher, or the investigator. and I understood everything he said. It was the best feeling. It felt so good. There are definitely a lot of bad times and it's a struggle everyday, but I learn everyday and the good times stick out more than the worst ones :)

I will be taking photos and sending them every week :) I'll take a lot so you can get them all. But I love you all. I love the work that God has given me. I know that, especially learning this week, that the Book of Mormon is sehr sehr wichtig [very very important]. It has so much importance in our lives. How lucky are we to have a book that can answer any of our questions, any problems, and it can help us. I know that if you search with real intent of the scriptures, with a question in mind, it will be answered. Read 3 nephi 27. It is one of my favorite scriptures to read.

I love you all. I appreciate hearing from everyone of you and getting packages and whatever. So please keep sending them. I'll try to reply to all of you, but I don't have a lot of time. Serving the Lord you know :) But how lucky am I to be a servant of him and call myself a representive of the Lord. How I wish I could do that longer than 2 years. And I can! As well as you. Our mission is never done. Take every chance to show you care about others and show that this gospel, will strengthen them and bring happiness to their lives.

Sorry for being preachy :) I will send some more pictures and letters. I love you Mom and Dad, Alyssa and Brady. And I love all you that are reading this. Thank you for your support. Tchuss!

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