WELL HELLO once again my raging followers. This week has been one of my favorites. It kinda really showed me, personally, the kind of missionary I am. But, I will get to the big news now, because I can't contain myself:
I am getting a new, straight outta the MTC, awesome missionary. I couldn't be more excited. I am so excited that the Lord is trusting me with this opportunity. What blessings and adventures await. :)
Except for the exciting news that I got on Freitag and Samstag, the rest of the week was one of those weeks you just feel like, everything that you had planned and felt good about... doesn't click with the other side of the spectrum of LIFE.
So is das.
What you make outta nothing, shows that you are something. :)
Montag we had a good, exercise-ish P-day basketball and soccer for about 5 hours. We met some kids and played with them. We started making some friendships. Missionary work is everyday. :)
After, Elder Wright, my Distrikt Leader, came back to Werdau with me for a good solid split. I was so excited. We had all these termine [dates/appointments]. We really had appointment after appointment scheduled, and it was just gonna be a good day. No sugar coating, EVERYTHING fell through. Ha. By the time the 3rd one fell through, I was just dying LAUGHING. I was like, there's no way that this can be! Ha. But I thought to myself: you know what, I need to make the most outta this situation. So, I did. Basically, I did anything and everything. We went and did more contacting, went to the library and talked to some more people, baked cookies and brought them people, and did EVERYTHING. I said to myself that day, I will not shrink. I had a little angst before this split, just because there was so much to do. But I said to myself, I will give my best and forget the rest. And that's what I did. :) You know, sure the numbers didn't show it. But, I went to bed HAPPY. I gave my heart out this day. I went to bed thinking: Wow, we did a lot. I gave my zeugnis [testimony] a ton. I made people smile. I learned that Elder Wright and I totally have the hipster style, and man, it was a SICK day. When we, no matter what the World does to bring us down, take that weight on our shoulders and say: Hey, I'm going to have a wonderful day! I am going to stand up. Then, you find that you can't fully. But then Christ comes in, and He makes it into a day that you could never have done by yourself.
Well that's my little rant. :) It was a great day. :)
Mittwoch, was a day full of travel. I went on a split up to Erfurt with Elder Brown. We both had to get ingrown toenails checked out. Luckily mine didn't look like a head was growing outta the toe like Elder Brown's. But he is still walking, so its ok. :) It was a good day, and fun stuff.
Donnerstag!! MY YEAR MARK!
The day where you think: OH YES! OH NO! Booyah! Oh, it's that far... Ya, a bunch of mixed feelings, and also a lot of reflecting. :) Something that I did to celebrate: I bought this huge thing of flat bread, cooked it (only 80 cents), put Nutella all OVER that thing, and ate it. :) Haha. Good eh? I loved this day. We had a lot of service with a wonderful member, the Kosak familie. He is working on building his house right now, because the entire basement flooded. So guess what we did, (mom will get a kick outta this) WE SHOVELED (I cant spell anymore) DIRT!! Ha. The exact same thing I did a year ago, before the mission. Except, for those who were my neighbors and friendly friends, they all know that that pile of dirt outside my house never actually disappeared... 'til a machine had to do it for us. :) BUT this time, I shoveled the entire thing. I was singing, and just felt like a propelled machine that couldn't be stopped. It's amazing how one's perspective changes. With love as the over-arching factor, our motivator, it some how gives us a strength we cannot find with anything else. I love serving with all my heart. :) I will serve until the day I die. That I promise.
Well my liebe Freunde and Familie, I am a Servant of the Lord and I LOVE it. I looked back on the first year of my mission and what has happened. I have so many amazing memories. The Lord shapes you through MIRACLES. But, only when we choose to allow ourselves to be shaped. I just finished the Book of Mormon again. I am now starting it with a question in mind, and you know what? The very first verse, right at the beginning of 1 Nephi, is just how I feel. I KNOW that this book is true. I know that if you read it, and listen to the words of the people who had faith that a Christ WOULD come, you will know it too. These people were amazing. Apply what you read to yourself. Have faith in a Christ that has ALREADY come, and will come again. I know, that I will shout it from the roof tops. It is true. No matter how many doubts, philosophies, accusations, persecutions, or whatever happens to this church, this book, or the Prophet Joseph Smith, it will not fail. This is the Truth. I know, that He will come again, with ministering angels on His right, and on His left. Look towards Him this week, and ask yourself: Would I say the same words He said? "Here am I, send me?" I love the people in Werdau, and I know this work is true. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Love with all my heart ,
Elder Mayne
Oh and a joke for yall :)
Ein Kind und sein Opa sitzt zusammen und der Opa liest etwas und das Kind machte ein Kreuzworträtsel
Und das Kind fragte sein Opa: "Opa, was ist ein drei Buchstabe Worte das beschreibt den Tod?"
Und der Opa überlegt eine Minuten und dann sagte: Die Ehe. :)
[Copy it into Google Translate...]
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