Monday, February 2, 2015

Letter #80 - Following the Spirit, with an open heart, is a life long goal

Wonderful people. The first thought of my heart, I have to say is, I love ya'll.

Sharing the Love.

Second off, I was told by a German member that he really loves my weekly letters and reads them too (on FB). So hey, that makes me feel swell :)

So pressure is on right? :)

This week was fantastic. The miracles here in Heidelberg are just popping up like daisies. I feel like I use this phrase a lot. It's, I swear, the best way to describe what happening because honestly, the Lord does His work according to His own timing. I'm just happy to see it progress, and be His servant.

This week, we met with Prakash, and we LOVE the guy. We had a very intense lesson with him on Saturday. We taught about tithing and the blessings that come from it. Then, of course talked about baptism. The spirit there was so STRONG. When we were giving testimony, the spirit bore it and you could feel the honest truth behind it. Also, we went over the questions for baptism. Everything he answered was perfect. But just like the scriptures say, the spirit can only come "unto" the heart, not "into" it. In the middle of the lesson, I had a thought to ask Prakash if he asks questions when he prays. He said no. So, we committed Him to ask God, just ask, and He will answer. So hopefully he gets an answer. :) Prayers for Him would be great.

Ooh, another wonderful experience this past week was meeting with our new investigator Hamed. He came to the church, and wants to be a professor at BYU. He wanted to start practicing English with us. So naturally, we started teaching him the lessons. :) He is such a humble guy, and we learned more about his religion. Then as we taught the Plan of Salvation, the Spirit again testified so strongly. He KNEW that this is the way for Him. But then he immediately retreated to something that He had before, his past. We told him that what he is feeling, is truth and light. That this path has been revealed to him. We just hope that he also prays and receives an answer that this is the way his Father in Heaven wants him to go.

That's my overwhelming thought this week, my friends. That when we want direction in our lives, and want to know our role in His divine plan, we must ask the Lord.

I was talking to someone awesome this week and this is the random thought that I had: Is it sometimes daunting that the future is so BIG and such a gray area?? Then, BECAUSE of that thought/vision, we go to the past, to our mistakes, because it's comfortable? The result is that our future becomes dimmer and dimmer and dimmer...

Is that Faith? Is that looking forward to what's ahead, or is that becoming complacent to what has already happened? I don't want to settle, to feel comfortable. I want to keep jumping out of that so called "comfort zone." I feel like when I get into a comfort zone, then that means I am becoming something that the world wants me to be. The Lord knows my fate. I want to be His servant. In order to be the best servant possible, I have to keep always growing. That is my ultimate goal.

I love the Lord. I love the daily miracles that happen, and the signs of His love I see every day. I LOVE seeing in the faces and feeling in the hearts of people, after they have felt the love of God. The greatest, greatest feeling is when I come to realize that I was the answer to someone's heartfelt prayer. :)

LOVE YOU ALL!!! Have a great week. Ya'll are rock-stars.

Mit großere Liebe,

Elder Mayne

Another email included später [later]. :)

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